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El Salvador’s Bitcoin Office Celebrates 21 Months of Success, Sets Stage for Renaissance 2.0



“Someone needs to be the keeper and reiterator of the vision. There’s a ton of work to do. When you have to walk a thousand miles and have only taken the first step, it feels like a long way. It really helps if there is someone saying, ‘We are one step closer, and the goal is not a mirage.’” -Steve Jobs

Stacy Herbert, Director of the National Bitcoin Office (ONBTC) of the Office of the President of El Salvador, shared the above quote with me, while beaming with both pride and resolve, at the onset of my interview with her.

It’s clear that Herbert is on a mission, a mission that started in 2010 when she and her partner, Max Keiser, first discovered Bitcoin and became some of the earliest spokespeople for it soon after. This mission now includes the President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, as well as the bureaucracy and citizens of El Salvador, which has colloquially become known as “Bitcoin country” in Bitcoin circles.

By many metrics, The Bitcoin Office has already achieved much success since its founding in December 2022. It’s stockpiled 5,836 bitcoin on behalf of the country. It’s educated 80,000 Salvadoran civil servants on what Bitcoin is and why it’s important. It’s helped implement Bitcoin education from kindergarten to university levels through programs like Mi Primer Bitcoin and CUBO+. And it’s attracted entrepreneurs, investors and other bright minds to the country.

While Herbert is proud of these accomplishments, she’s not one to rest on her laurels, especially since she believes that El Salvador’s best days still lie ahead. She has a vision that further Bitcoin adoption in El Salvador will set the stage for a new renaissance, one that will uplift Salvadorans and continue to attract the world’s best to the country. Given the obstacles she’s overcome since first arriving in the country three years ago, it’s difficult to believe she won’t continue to do her part to make this new era for El Salvador happen.

Getting Started in El Salvador

Herbert arrived with Keiser in El Salvador toward the latter part of 2021, near the height of that same year’s bitcoin bull market. Euphoria gave way to despair into 2022, though, when bitcoin’s price tanked in part as a result of broader meltdown in the crypto space.

“When we first arrived three years ago, bitcoin hit $69,000 and then it proceeded to tumble down to something like $16,000,” Herbert told Bitcoin Magazine.

This left Herbert and Keiser tasked with the challenge of explaining to Salvadorans that the collapse of major crypto companies didn’t mean that Bitcoin was dead, nor that it was a mirage.

“FTX collapsed, BlockFi collapsed, and Celsius collapsed,” explained Herbert. “When they saw all those collapses, they thought that it was the same thing as Bitcoin — all these scams, all these frauds.”

Herbert recalled the importance of steering El Salvador in a bitcoin-not-crypto path at that time.

“There were two paths: You could be crypto country or you could be Bitcoin country,” said Herbert.

“With crypto country, you’re competing with Vegas; you’re competing with Macau. The house always wins in those situations. And that’s the same thing if you have a crypto economy. You have some wealthy guys who run the house. The pre-mines, the chip owners, the chip dispensers, they always win,” she added, making the point that she didn’t want to see El Salvador exploited by the crypto industry.

“Or you could go down the route of what Switzerland was to gold, or New York became to US Treasuries. You could build capital markets. You could build an economy. You could build a Singapore 2.0, an Alexandria 2.0, a Florence 2.0. We pushed for this vision.”

Renaissance 2.0

In the vision that Herbert shares with President Bukele and Keiser, a senior advisor to Bukele, El Salvador is in the early stages of ushering in one of the greatest eras of human flourishing the world has ever seen.

Much like the Renaissance, which occurred in what is now northern Italy just over 500 years ago, El Salvador is setting the stage for its own explosion of entrepreneurship and creativity by adopting that hardest money ever known to man.

“Florence first didn’t just didn’t have DaVinci and Michelangelo and Botticelli and all of the architects, the discoverers, the explorers, the astronomers, and then find perfect money,” explained Herbert.

“They found the perfect money of the time — the Florin — and that led to a positive feedback loop of ever more wealth concentrating in Florence versus the other city states of what is now Italy and other regions across Europe,” she added, before sharing that great artists, businesspeople and thinkers flocked to Florence in the wake of its becoming a commercial center.

“We think that same sort of process could happen in El Salvador.”

Embracing Bukele’s Vision

Herbert shared repeatedly in our discussion how El Salvador’s transformation couldn’t have happened without the leadership of Bukele, whose approval rating amongst Salvadorans is still above 90%, making him one of the most popular presidents in the world.

A challenge for the ONBTC now, she claims, is getting the rest of the country to see and embrace his vision.

“You can’t just have President Bukele [believing in Bitcoin],” explained Herbert.

“You need at least a portion of his 80,000 civil servants to understand what he is actually trying to achieve. Remember, as the keeper of the vision, we have to pull everybody along to understand President Bukele’s vision for El Salvador,” she added.

In efforts to get the rest of the country on board, Herbert has hired well-known Bitcoin figures to educate and train Salvadoran Bitcoin developers as well as members of the Salvadoran government.

This work started with Bitcoin developer Jimmy Song coming to El Salvador in March 2022 (before the ONBTC was officially established) to teach developers how to work on Bitcoin Core.

“Jimmy Song taught his Bitcoin course to seven Salvadorans,” recalled Herbert. “One of them was a guy named Mario Flamenco, who ended up becoming my assistant, my number two at the Bitcoin office.”

Giacomo Zucco also came on board to not only teach developers, but also provided three days of Bitcoin education to El Salvador’s civil servants. Herbert explained that the educational efforts are not just to provide El Salvador’s bureaucrats with a deep technical knowledge of Bitcoin, but to reshape their mindset.

“They’re the people that interact with the population,” said Herbert of El Salvador’s civil servants, “so, they need to understand why they are Bitcoin country in terms of the mindset.”

Herbert often referred to the importance of mindset during our discussion. She explained that the work the ONBTC does is about more than just helping people to understand what Bitcoin is, but it’s about mentally and emotionally prepping them to be great.

“In order to be extraordinary, [you have to have] people in the government and in the population who are ready to be extraordinary,” she said.

“We’re training a population to have the mindset to be Florence 2.0, to be Singapore 2.0 — to be something extraordinary,” she added.

“You need everybody to be on the same page in terms of just how important they are. What we’re doing here is extraordinary. What President Bukele has delivered to the country is quite extraordinary.”

Passport Programs

Through ONBTC, Bukele is prepping Salvadorans for great things, while through El Salvador’s passport programs, he’s looking to attract those who have a track record of doing great things.

On April 6, 2024, Bukele announced that El Salvador would issue 5,000 passports to the likes of scientists, doctors and even philosophers.

As Bukele shared in his tweet, these 5,000 passports are technically worth $5 billion. El Salvador now issues passports nearly instantly for those who make a $1 million investment in the country with either BTC or USDT.

While this program was designed to attract top talent from abroad, it also had positive effects on the psychology of the Salvadoran people, according to Herbert.

“What we did with the million dollar price tag worked,” said Herbert.

“If you go back, Salvadoran people started saying, ‘My God, some people were paying $10,000 to coyotes to take them over the border in the US, and my passport is worth $1 million.’ Even if a thousand Salvadorans think that, it changes the mindset enough that it’s a critical seed of change,” she added.

What’s Next for The Bitcoin Office?

Herbert said that ONBTC has some big announcements coming in the next three to four weeks. For now, though, the ONBTC is focused on unveiling the first Bitcoin banks, which she believes will help El Salvador build capital markets.

“Bitcoin banks will come here, and we’ll start seriously building the capital markets that are needed — like we’ve laid the foundation for greatness over the past 21 months,” said Herbert.

Beyond Bitcoin banks, Herbert seems confident that the sky’s the limit as far as what comes next for El Salvador. Thanks to the ONBTC, a foundation has been set for the revitalization of the country.

“We have the education, we have the mindset, we have the rebrand — the greatest rebrand in history — as I call it for El Salvador, and we have an increasing amount of popularity for President Bukele, because he keeps winning,” she said. “We’ve walked a thousand miles in the last 21 months, and we now have another thousand-mile journey to start.”

Editor’s note: We normally profile founders of startups for our Founders series, but, this week, we chose to profile the head of a government institution who’s led that institutions since its inception.

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Bluesky Signups Surge After Elon Musk’s Twitter Says AI Can Be Trained on Tweets



Bluesky is taking off like a rocket, and Elon Musk might’ve just lit the fuse. The decentralized social platform hit the 12 million user mark this week, reporting a massive surge of growth since its latest milestone of 10 million users surpassed just last month.

The platform reported Friday that it received over 1 million new signups in a 48-hour period.

What sparked this digital gold rush? Look no further than Musk’s Twitter (aka X). The billionaire’s been on quite a roll lately, but not the good kind. This week users found out about three major changes in the platform’s policies, some of which have rubbed longtime tweeters the wrong way.

The first one is a privacy policy update. Twitter is amending its privacy policy to allow third-party AI developers to train their models on user data. This change, set to take effect on November 15, has raised concerns about data privacy and usage—and there is no clear way to opt-out.

Next is something that may be worrisome to a more mainstream user database: Twitter is essentially removing the block function’s ability to prevent users from viewing content. This change significantly weakens user control over their online experience, and has been criticized for potentially exposing users to harassment.

Finally, Twitter is moving its legal jurisdiction from California to the Northern District of Texas, an area known for its conservative judges which tend to be more aligned with Elon’s far-right views. This move has raised eyebrows among users and critics alike.

Bluesky is not being shy about capitalizing on Twitter’s mess. The platform is plastering its “user-first” approach all over… well, Twitter.

“At Bluesky, we take online safety seriously,” Bluesky’s official X account tweeted, “If you want to block someone, you can! It’s your experience to customize.”

Users were quick to point out how this policy update would play against Twitter’s image, and they were correct. The official Bluesky account is practically doing a victory lap, boasting about its record growth just a day after Musk’s latest policy changes.

So significant was the influx that Bluesky’s servers collapsed due to the unexpected traffic spike. In fact, the app has been topping the charts in many countries like Japan, and reached the top 5 on Apple’s iOS App Store in the United States.

Musk’s meddling may be benefiting Bluesky, but Twitter is financially bleeding out. Fidelity’s latest estimate puts Twitter’s value at a measly $9.4 billion—that’s an 80% nosedive since Musk bought it for over $44 billion in 2022. This decline is further compounded by advertisers withdrawing due to concerns over brand safety and platform stability.

This isn’t the first time Bluesky has benefited from Twitter’s controversies. The platform saw a significant uptick in users when Twitter was temporarily banned in Brazil due to content moderation issues and a refusal to pay fines. At that time, Bluesky gained approximately 3 million new users in just one week, and reached a total of 10 million users mostly thanks to Brazilians joining in.

“Welcome to the one million new users in the last three days,” the platform said back then. “This is now a Brazilian app,” it replied in Portuguese.

Bluesky’s rapid ascent is reflected in its impressive engagement metrics: 473 million posts, 448.5 million follows, and 1.8 billion likes, with Friday being the most active day yet in terms of engagement according to data shared by one of its official developers.

As social media users become increasingly concerned about data privacy and platform control, the landscape appears to be shifting.

Bluesky’s decentralized model and emphasis on user autonomy are clearly resonating with those seeking alternatives to traditional social media giants, especially now that users are more aware of how companies use their private data and interactions to profit and train AI models.

Bluesky, of course, spawned from Twitter—albeit under previously leadership. In 2019, under co-founder and former CEO Jack Dorsey, Twitter seeded the team that eventually spun out and launched Bluesky, tasking them with developing a decentralized protocol that could one day even power Twitter along with other social apps.

But now with Musk in charge, Bluesky has instead become the most prominent Twitter rival not operated by a massive tech giant. And it’s only growing.

Edited by Andrew Hayward

Generally Intelligent Newsletter

A weekly AI journey narrated by Gen, a generative AI model.

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Blackrock CEO Is Right: Trump and Kamala Can’t Stop Bitcoin



I’ll admit – just a few years ago, I’d be shocked to hear myself say that the CEO of BlackRock is making good points about Bitcoin.

As head of the world’s largest asset manager, I assumed Larry Fink would be Bitcoin’s biggest critic. But compared to dismissive remarks on Bitcoin from other Wall Street leaders like Jamie Dimon, Fink’s perspective is a refreshing change.

If you think otherwise, yesterday’s earnings call proves it.

There, Fink declared, “I’m not sure if either president would make a difference” on Bitcoin’s growth,” adding “I don’t believe [Bitcoin’s rise] is a function of regulation.”

He went on to compare Bitcoin’s growth to much larger markets like mortgages, noting liquidity and transparency drives adoption more than rules.

It’s wild that the CEO of an $11 trillion company is not just embracing Bitcoin, but that he gets that Bitcoin thrives because it is an apolitical, decentralized, global money.

Regulation aside, Bitcoin marches on indifferently. Fink seems to grasp what many Bitcoiners don’t – that political winds don’t sway Bitcoin’s course long-term. Neither Donald Trump or Kamala Harris can stop Bitcoin from setting new all-time highs.

Bitcoin thrives on its own technical merits, not regulatory benevolence.

This independence was always its promise. Now, the world’s financial giants aren’t fighting it, but joining in. Bullish.

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Vexl: The Next Generation Bitcoin P2P Trading App



Company Name: Vexl

Founders: Lea Petrášová, Marek Palatinus and Pavol Rusnak

Date Founded: June 2022

Location of Headquarters: Prague, Czech Republic

Amount of Bitcoin Held in Treasury: The majority of the treasury is bitcoin

Number of Employees: 5 full-time employees and 5 part-time employees/volunteers


Public or Private? Private

Lea Petrášová is a cypherpunk at heart with over 10 years of experience in the world of software development.

This made her a perfect candidate to help create Vexl, an open-source app that enables users to conduct private peer-to-peer bitcoin transactions in a relatively easy manner.

With Vexl, Petrášová and the team from SatoshiLabs (well-known for creating Trezor hardware wallets) created what Petrášová terms a “social network” that connects buyers and sellers of bitcoin via the contacts in their phone as well as the contacts of their contacts. What is more, the communication between users is private, and Vexl doesn’t charge for the service it provides.

Petrášová and the team at Vexl are on a mission to enable people to use Bitcoin the way it was intended to be used — without KYC, privately and without third-party intermediaries involved in the process.

We spoke with Petrášová to get more details on Vexl’s mission.

Frank Corva: Please tell us about Vexl’s mission.

Lea Petrášová: We believe that without the freedom to transact, we have no other rights. Bitcoin gives us the ultimate entry ticket to a financial system that is not inherently exploitative and oppressive.

However, for it to serve this purpose, it cannot be tied to one’s identity. We provide our users with an option to buy or sell bitcoin peer-to-peer without KYC, in a way that is not only private, but also accessible, user-friendly, and secure.

Corva: What were you doing before Vexl?

Petrášová: I used to be a project manager for a small venture fund that also operated as a software house. In 2018, I launched a spin-off focused exclusively on web3 development, particularly in DeFi. While the projects were academically interesting, after selling the company, I realized I wanted to dedicate my time and energy solely to Bitcoin.

Corva: How did the idea for Vexl come about and how did you get involved?

Petrášová: This idea had actually been brewing in Slush‘s (co-founder of SatoshiLabs, Trezor, Vexl) mind for a few years. As one of the industry’s OGs, he anticipated the regulations long before they came into effect.

When he found out I had recently wrapped up my previous job, he reached out and pitched what would later become Vexl, essentially offering me the opportunity to take on the executive management of the project. I didn’t hesitate for a second.

Corva: Vexl seems to embrace much of the bitcoin ethos. It’s an app that allows for peer-to-peer trading, it doesn’t require much KYC and it’s open-source. Why was it important for you to design it this way?

Petrášová: We’re not just Bitcoiners; we’re also cypherpunks and activists.

When we came up with Vexl, we were solving our own problem: how to buy or sell Bitcoin without KYC, outrageous fees, or significant security and safety risks.

We couldn’t design a product we wouldn’t be willing to use ourselves. There was never any debate about the nature of the software—we knew from day one it had to be open source, KYC-free, and peer-to-peer.

However, we spent a lot of time researching and balancing the “trilemma” of usability, security, and privacy.

Corva: What has it been like to work with Pavol Rusnák, a legend in the bitcoin/crypto wallet space?

Petrášová: Humbling. He’s the kind of thinker you can ask any question, and he’ll respond with an original answer. The range of his knowledge and interests is deeply impressive. Yet, he approaches people and projects with kindness, respect, and most importantly, a great sense of humor. He’s truly inspiring.

Corva: You don’t plan to monetize Vexl. Why?

Petrášová: We strongly believe in the importance of our mission and are committed to making it as accessible as possible.

Corva: How will Vexl continue to exist if you don’t monetize it?

Petrášová: We rely directly on donations and grants. I have deep gratitude and mad respect for everyone who has helped us make Vexl a success. But thanks to open source, if, for any reason, we were to fail, I want to believe that someone else would pick up where we left off and keep things moving forward.

Corva: Vexl is essentially a messaging app, something that connects buyers and sellers to transact between themselves much like LocalBitcoins did. Why did you create something like this right now?

Petrášová: Because we clearly saw the need. Think about it — Bitcoin is currently the 6th largest monetary asset, aspiring to become a global, universal store of value.

Governments, through various third parties and financial institutions, can create registries of bitcoin holders. These individuals could then be censored, prosecuted, taxed, and have their ownership controlled, compromised, or even outlawed.

Knowing the identities of Bitcoin users weakens Bitcoin’s ability to function as a store of value independent of state power. That was the first part of our motivation.

The second part of our motivation was much more practical: Every time I orange-pilled someone and didn’t want to send them to an exchange, I didn’t have a good alternative. My options were either selling them my own bitcoin or going through a lengthy search to find someone else who could.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a huge fan of platforms like LocalBitcoins. But as someone who has never bought bitcoin with KYC or registered on an exchange, I know firsthand the limitations that come with options like this.

Corva: How does Vexl differ from other P2P apps like Hodl Hodl, Bisq and Peach Bitcoin?

Petrášová: Well, first of all, we’re a non-profit, so we operate in a completely different space. I don’t see other solutions out there as competing, rather view them as complementary.

The real innovation that Vexl introduces is our unique reputation model. On our marketplace, you can only view anonymized offers from your contacts and their contacts. Until both parties decide to reveal their identities, you don’t know who the other person is, but you can always see how many mutual contacts you share and who those people are, and eventually ask them for a reference.

This allows you to better assess the individual risk of the counterparty, which is nearly impossible when you’re connecting two strangers from opposite sides of the world — not to mention, it can be downright dangerous if you’re using a fiat wire transfer for settlement.

If you really think about it, we managed to bring a real-world reputation into an app. And this social aspect — human interactions and experience — can’t be replaced by any technology. That’s why on Vexl there is no escrow, no fees, and no need to already have bitcoin in order to join.

Lastly, I’m particularly proud of our user experience. While creating Vexl, I kept asking myself, “Could my aunt use this without a hitch?” That mindset shaped our UI, and I believe it’s far more user-friendly than anything else out there.

Corva: Why does Vexl not push to decentralize its backend?

Petrášová: We’re a non-profit with very lean operations. In a team as small as ours, we have to think twice when choosing what to prioritize.

While decentralizing the backend is something we’ll focus on in the future, right now our backlog is full of more pressing app improvements.

What’s great is that Vexl is already politically decentralized. Anyone who doesn’t want to rely on my decisions can simply take the code and alter it however they see fit.

Corva: Why does Vexl ask for phone numbers?

Petrášová: If you zoom out, you’ll see that Vexl is, ultimately, a social network. Anyone who has ever tried to build one from scratch will agree that it’s an incredibly difficult task. So, we chose a different route: Why not build on top of an existing network? But then came an even bigger question: Which one?

We also wanted something that’s not going away anytime soon and that’s widely adopted across the world.

The answer was clear to us: using phone numbers and contact lists. From there we just had to find a way to use them while still keeping them private and secure.

Corva: Do you ever see mass adoption of Vexl or do you think the average person will find going to a regulated exchange like Kraken more convenient?

Petrášová: Sometimes I get asked what my biggest apprehension is as the CEO of a Bitcoin company, and my answer is always “ignorance.” People often don’t care about financial freedom until it’s too late.

That being said, nothing is better marketing for us than the current financial system becoming more and more unbearably unusable and commerce becoming increasingly permissioned. From this perspective, it would be a beautiful world if tools like Vexl became obsolete.

But Vexl has been invented, and it cannot be uninvented. Maybe it will be used for peer-to-peer bitcoin transactions. Or it might be used in the gig economy or to pay for goods in bitcoin.

Ever since we introduced categories in the marketplace, we’ve seen circular economies booming. I’m building Vexl for everyone who has the courage to claim their financial sovereignty — even if it only serves a small community of users.

Corva: Where are you seeing the most adoption for the app thus far? Why do you think people in these regions are adopting it?

Petrášová: Most of our users are from the Czech Republic and Slovakia. I think the success has a lot to do with the history of these countries and their economic isolation during communist times. There is a long tradition of people hedging against oppression with stronger currencies and participating in the gray economy. Additionally, the support of SatoshiLabs definitely helped us a lot during the launch, especially in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, where SatoshiLabs is well-known and respected.

We also see significant growth in Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland and the UK, mostly scaling through meetups. In recent months, I am really thrilled to see local Vexl initiatives thrive in African countries, as well.

Corva: What’s next for Vexl?

Petrášová: Over the course of the summer, we managed to successfully rewrite our backend, which had been a major hurdle for future development. This opened up the opportunity for us to introduce a wide variety of improvements to the social network that we had on our roadmap for a long time.

Another major focus is providing education about the importance of non-KYC Bitcoin. It’s disturbingly common that users don’t realize the true cost they pay for comfort or convenience when giving up their personal data on financial institutions.

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