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Golf and Bitcoin: The Greatest Games



“Golf is deceptively simple and endlessly complicated; it satisfies the soul and frustrates the intellect. It is at the same time rewarding and maddening – and it is without a doubt the greatest game mankind has ever invented.” – Arnold Palmer

This quote from one of golf’s greatest is reminiscent of the bitcoin journey in many ways. At first glance, these two inventions might seem entirely unrelated, but they share intriguing parallels. The principles of golf can offer valuable insights into bitcoin, and understanding bitcoin can shed light on the intricacies of golf.

In both pursuits, achieving a certain threshold of time and understanding is like gaining admission into an exclusive club. Until that point, it can be extremely frustrating and seemingly meaningless; and after, equally rewarding as it is maddening to be a part of. But whether it’s money or a game, both without a doubt are the greatest mankind has ever invented.

Most amateur golfers know how hard it is to play well consistently. It takes hard work, longevity, grit, and mental fortitude that can only be forged over years of dedication. For many, it is a lifelong journey. There is no substitute for hashing away on the driving range, ball after ball. The parallels to a personal bitcoin journey run deep. Success in golf and bitcoin is a product of a low time preference, proof of work, and minimizing mistakes.

A low time preference is essential

Golf is a hard journey. One that requires patience, discipline, and perseverance. Playing the game isn’t about the end destination, but the process along the way. That process has as much to teach us about ourselves as it can teach us the importance of looking out for our future selves.

Understanding the importance of bitcoin isn’t for the faint of heart. Learning what money is, what the problem with the money is today, and why bitcoin solves that problem takes time. But the fact that it’s hard is what makes it worth pursuing. After all, if it were easy, everyone would do it.

Worthwhile challenges come with obstacles, and this couldn’t be better represented in both bitcoin and golf. There are false peaks of understanding where good judgment lapses and hasty assumptions are made. There are snake oil salesmen offering shortcuts or “get rich quick” schemes along the way. And either way you spin it, ego is just another handicap.

Golf and bitcoin are incredibly humbling endeavors. Those who inevitably experience the pitfalls along the road learn that each is not about the end destination, and in fact, that they may never have one. But that journey can be incredibly rewarding in and of itself.

Once I understood bitcoin, the power I gained from using it as my primary form of savings trickled into other parts of my life. I suddenly became more interested in enhancing other parts of my life, like my health and my relationships with friends and family. I simply became happier, and generally, more optimistic toward the future. It’s a feeling that reminds me of a quote from Bobby Jones, one of the greatest golfers to ever play the game,

“The most important shot in golf is the next one.”

Golf is different from most other sports in that you can play it most of your life. Some sports are high-time preference in the sense that they are optimized for a short amount of time, typically a couple years, or even for a single game. Golfers know when they step onto the practice range or off the first tee that the goal isn’t to hit the longest drive or to shoot their best score. But instead, to get just a little better every time. The confidence gained from this approach is foundational to having the conviction necessary to not only survive, but thrive when the going gets tough…and it will get tough!

In Ben Hogan’s book, “Five Lessons,” a book I’d liken to “Mastering Bitcoin” but for the game of golf, he describes a shot that he hit on the 72 hole of a tournament in 1950 at the Merion Golf Club. The shot was a 5 iron from 200 yards away up a severe hill to a sloping green. The ball landed close enough to the pin to force a playoff and ultimately led him to winning the championship.

“I bring up this incident not for the pleasure of re-tasting the sweetness of a “big moment” but, rather, because I have discovered in many conversations that the view I take of this shot (and others like it) is markedly different from the view most spectators seem to have formed. They are inclined to glamorize the actual shot since it was hit in a pressureful situation. They tend to think of it as something unique in itself, something almost inspired, you might say, since the shot was just what the occasion called for. I don’t see it that way at all. I didn’t hit that shot then – that late afternoon at Merion. I’d been practicing that shot since I was twelve years old.”

Both golf and bitcoin reward individuals with a low time preference. Grasping and embracing this principle is essential for achieving better scores and greater enjoyment of the game. Faking a good golf swing is about as likely to happen as faking a bitcoin transaction, it simply cannot be done. This is why developing a strong golf game requires the same crucial element as sound money: proof of work.

There is no substitute for proof of work

The importance of proof of work in bitcoin, and in money generally, cannot be overstated. Money must be tied to the universal truth that nothing in this world is free. Success in golf is no different.

Becoming a professional golfer might be out of reach for most of us, but we can still adopt a low time preference approach to improving our skills. Whether you are aiming to go pro or just trying to break 90, consistent effort is essential. There’s no substitute for hitting hundreds or thousands of balls on the driving range, each swing aimed at perfecting your shot.

Developing a good golf game is like solving a puzzle. You must persist, swing by swing, making incremental adjustments until you find the solution—at least for that one swing or that one day. The challenge is that each new day brings different variables. You might be battling an injury, or the weather might create different playing conditions. These changes require slight tweaks to your game, and once again, you have to work through the puzzle.

Bitcoin mining is often described as solving a complex puzzle as well. Each block template is unique, and miners must tweak the nonce repeatedly until they discover the right input to hit the target. Doing so unlocks great rewards, but only if you can prove to the network you’ve expended the required work. This process links bitcoin’s ledger to real-world energy use, safeguarding its transaction history with an unforgeable costliness. The result of that work—a valid cryptographic hash below the difficulty target—can be easily verified by other players in the game. Achieving a low score for a round of golf is hard, but it’s easy for your playing partner to attest to your scorecard.

When you watch the average Saturday morning hacker, it’s clear that the level of work required to compete at the highest level hasn’t been met. The pros make it look easy, but achieving that level of skill requires significant investment over a long period. Winning a golf tournament involves a lot of hard work and a bit of luck, much like bitcoin mining.

Golf, like bitcoin, is a game that can only be mastered through proof of work. With a low time preference established and a massive amount of work invested, there’s another key concept to drive consistently lower golf scores: don’t make mistakes!

Don’t make mistakes

“Golf is a game of minimizing mistakes.” – Ben Hogan

Launch your drive somewhere in the fairway, hit your approach shot somewhere on the green, and get the ball in the hole in two putts…a successful par. Like shooting par on 18 holes, holding bitcoin is simple in concept but not easy in practice. Both require avoiding errors rather than achieving perfection. The key to success in bitcoin and golf is simple: don’t make mistakes.

Most golf fairways have a width between 25-65 yards. This means you do not have to hit a perfect shot to hit the fairway. In fact, you have a fairly wide range of shots that you can hit, and it would still put you in a sufficient spot to hit the green on the next shot. The same applies to a green. While it varies by course, the typical width of a putting green is around 25 yards. Again, this means you do not have to hit a perfect approach shot to hit the green. A wide range of shots will do. For both driving and approach shots, you do not need to hit the perfect shot. You simply need to not hit a bad shot.

Various elements can induce mistakes or mishaps on the golf course, such as wind, water, sand, rough, trees, and all sorts of other hazards. Success in any round of golf depends on a thoughtful approach. Course management and keeping your misses small, so that you can easily recover from them, are critical to achieving a low score. Perfection is not required, but fault tolerance is.

The same is true in your bitcoin journey. Hazards appear in the form of market volatility, adoption waves, and phishing attacks. Bitcoin “yield” products will tempt you to “overswing your driver” for a little bit of extra distance, and the trading gurus make going for the well-protected flag seem easy.

But your only job when it comes to holding bitcoin is to prevent yourself from making mistakes that cause you to lose it.

The foundation of your bitcoin course management is holding your own private keys in a fault-tolerant way and putting a succession plan in place. Avoid trying to time the market, trade bitcoin’s volatility, or search for a few extra points of yield. These are all near-certain ways to shank the proverbial BTC ball into the woods. You simply need to hold your bitcoin securely and keep your private keys private.

Final Thoughts

The parallels between golf and bitcoin offer valuable lessons for those embarking on either journey. They are each long-term pursuits that must be approached with a low time preference. The proof of work concept is central to both, emphasizing that consistent effort and dedication are the only paths to success. Finally, the importance of minimizing mistakes cannot be overstated in either domain. As you navigate your bitcoin journey, adopt the mindset of a seasoned golfer, and make sure you always play from the fairway.

P.S. If you are a golfer who loves bitcoin, join us for the inaugural Bitcoin Golf Championship on July 24th in Nashville!

This is a guest post by Rocky Wold, Joe Burnett, and Trey Sellers. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Magazine.

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Switzerland’s fourth-largest bank ZKB launches crypto services



Zurich Cantonal Bank, Switzerland’s fourth-largest bank, has launched crypto trading and custody services, expanding its financial offerings.

Zurich Cantonal Bank, Switzerland‘s fourth-largest bank, has officially entered the crypto market, offering its clients the ability to trade and store Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH).

In a Sept. 4 press release, the bank said the new offering is integrated into its existing digital platforms, including ZKB eBanking and ZKB Mobile Banking. The bank has partnered with Crypto Finance AG, a subsidiary of Deutsche Börse Group, to execute crypto trades, the press release reads.

Alexandra Scriba, head of institutional clients & multinationals at ZKB, says customers and third-party banks will not need their own wallet and do not have to worry about storing their private keys, as the bank will handle both processes.

ZKB’s entry into the crypto space is not just limited to its own clients as the bank is also offering a business-to-business solution that enables other Swiss banks to provide crypto trading and custody services. Per the press release, Thurgauer Kantonalbank, a Swiss cantonal bank, has become the first partner bank to adopt this service.

The latest move is continuation of ZKB’s latest efforts to foray into the crypto market as in recent years, the bank explored blockchain technology extensively, including its participation in the issuance of the world’s first digital bond on the SIX Digital Exchange in 2021 and its role as joint lead manager in a 2023 Swiss National Bank pilot project for issuing digital bonds with central bank digital currency.

ZKB’s initiative comes amid a broader expansion of crypto services among Swiss financial institutions. In late June, crypto-friendly bank Sygnum, based in Zurich, extended its business-to-business services to over 20 entities, including PostFinance, ZugerKB, and LuzernerKB, allowing a significant portion of the Swiss population to access crypto markets.

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Will Bitcoin Repeat History? Analyst Sees This 2019 Pattern In Current Market



Meet Samuel Edyme, Nickname – HIM-buktu. A web3 content writer, journalist, and aspiring trader, Edyme is as versatile as they come. With a knack for words and a nose for trends, he has penned pieces for numerous industry player, including AMBCrypto, Blockchain.News, and Blockchain Reporter, among others.

Edyme’s foray into the crypto universe is nothing short of cinematic. His journey began not with a triumphant investment, but with a scam. Yes, a Ponzi scheme that used crypto as payment roped him in. Rather than retreating, he emerged wiser and more determined, channeling his experience into over three years of insightful market analysis.

Before becoming the voice of reason in the crypto space, Edyme was the quintessential crypto degen. He aped into anything that promised a quick buck, anything ape-able, learning the ropes the hard way. These hands-on experience through major market events—like the Terra Luna crash, the wave of bankruptcies in crypto firms, the notorious FTX collapse, and even CZ’s arrest—has honed his keen sense of market dynamics.

When he isn’t crafting engaging crypto content, you’ll find Edyme backtesting charts, studying both forex and synthetic indices. His dedication to mastering the art of trading is as relentless as his pursuit of the next big story. Away from his screens, he can be found in the gym, airpods in, working out and listening to his favorite artist, NF. Or maybe he’s catching some Z’s or scrolling through Elon Musk’s very own X platform—(oops, another screen activity, my bad…)

Well, being an introvert, Edyme thrives in the digital realm, preferring online interaction over offline encounters—(don’t judge, that’s just how he is built). His determination is quite unwavering to be honest, and he embodies the philosophy of continuous improvement, or “kaizen,” striving to be 1% better every day. His mantras, “God knows best” and “Everything is still on track,” reflect his resilient outlook and how he lives his life.

In a nutshell, Samuel Edyme was born efficient, driven by ambition, and perhaps a touch fierce. He’s neither artistic nor unrealistic, and certainly not chauvinistic. Think of him as Bruce Willis in a train wreck—unflappable. Edyme is like trading in your car for a jet—bold. He’s the guy who’d ask his boss for a pay cut just to prove a point—(uhhh…). He is like watching your kid take his first steps. Imagine Bill Gates struggling with rent—okay, maybe that’s a stretch, but you get the idea, yeah. Unbelievable? Yes. Inconceivable? Perhaps.

Edyme sees himself as a fairly reasonable guy, albeit a bit stubborn. Normal to you is not to him. He is not the one to take the easy road, and why would he? That’s just not the way he roll. He has these favorite lyrics from NF’s “Clouds” that resonate deeply with him: “What you think’s probably unfeasible, I’ve done already a hundredfold.”

PS—Edyme is HIM. HIM-buktu. Him-mulation. Him-Kardashian. Himon and Pumba. He even had his DNA tested, and guess what? He’s 100% Him-alayan. Screw it, he ate the opp.

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Bitcoin About To Mimic Japanese Stock Market’s Incredible Late 1980s Rally: Crypto Analyst



A popular crypto analyst thinks Bitcoin (BTC) is currently mirroring the Japanese stock market’s giant rally about four decades ago.

The pseudonymous analyst TechDev shares charts with his 467,400 followers on the social media platform X that compare BTC’s performance since 2010 with the performance of the Nikkei 225, a price-weighted index that tracks 225 blue-chip companies trading on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, between the years 1950 and 2000.

TechDev’s charts suggest Bitcoin could crack $760,000 sometime between 2028 and 2029 before witnessing a multi-year bear market.

Source: TechDev/X

The top-ranked crypto asset by market cap is trading at $59,621 at time of writing.

The analyst also shares a chart that has a line for Bitcoin’s price and a line that pits the Chinese 10-year bonds (CN10Y) against M2SL, the seasonally adjusted measure of money supply in the United States.

Source: TechDev/X

Based on the trader’s chart, he appears to suggest that an expansion in the CN10Y against M2SL would trigger big Bitcoin rallies.

Last month, TechDev noted in a newsletter that he was optimistic about the recent downturn in the crypto market.

“Obviously, there is extreme fear in the market. The last two weeks were filled with ‘told you’ comments from doomer bears – on a retest to $48,000 levels they previously said would never be reached the last time they were doom-posting at $25,000.

Exactly what I like to see. The fact that it came at a time when global macro conditions are pointing up makes it nothing more than two weeks of loud noise to me. More like the last six months.

It’s usually the case in all speculative markets, but the last two years have reflected this more than any other time in the crypto market – it doesn’t move up until X is scared absolutely shitless. That was the case at $15,000 after the FTX crash, at $20,000 after regional banks were failing, at $38,000 after the brutal post-ETF wick, and now.

What you’ll also recall is how much sentiment can whiplash in a couple of weeks. Expecting it again. All the while, the global cycle continues to point higher.”

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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed at The Daily Hodl are not investment advice. Investors should do their due diligence before making any high-risk investments in Bitcoin, cryptocurrency or digital assets. Please be advised that your transfers and trades are at your own risk, and any losses you may incur are your responsibility. The Daily Hodl does not recommend the buying or selling of any cryptocurrencies or digital assets, nor is The Daily Hodl an investment advisor. Please note that The Daily Hodl participates in affiliate marketing.

Generated Image: Midjourney

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