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Cashu: A Vision For A Bitcoin Powered Ecash Ecosystem



Ecash is becoming an unavoidable topic these days. In a climate of contention over pretty much every proposal floating around these days ecash stands out as a protocol that can be deployed today without any alterations or changes to the Bitcoin protocol.

The ability to deploy an application or protocol without depending on changes to Bitcoin is an incredibly valuable thing in the current climate, so it is no surprise that the Cashu ecash protocol is starting to rapidly take hold on the fringes. Adoption is starting to occur on platforms like Nostr, and inter-mint settlement across the Lightning Network makes Cashu wallets a viable alternative to things like Wallet of Satoshi as easy to use Lightning wallets.

Ecash is likely going to become an increasingly popular piece of the Bitcoin ecosystem, and Cashu in particular has been incredibly successful at encouraging multiple compatible implementations.

Cashu developers have a comprehensive plan for an ecosystem built around the protocol to address some of the fundamental trust model issues of ecash, as well as different use cases specific needs. Let’s go through the vision for the Cashu ecosystem.

Blinded Tokens

The core of all ecash protocols is a blind signature scheme. This is the mechanism that enables a centralized entity to process ecash payments in a privacy preserving manner.

To start, users minting a token must generate a random value. This is the actual ecash token. Generating it themselves ensures that the token is securely held in their possession and no one else’s. But that isn’t enough, anyone can just generate a random value. The ecash mint operator needs to notarize the token with a signature.

The problem is if they see the token when they sign it, then they will know who they signed it for and can know who made a payment when someone else comes to them to redeem it. To address this, a second random value, a blinding factor, is generated by the user before having the mint notarize a token. The binding factor is essentially multiplying the token value by the blinding value.

The user then provides the blinded token value to the mint to sign it. This leaves you with a problem though, the mint signed the blinded token value, not the plaintext one. Because of how the blinding protocol and underlying cryptography works, you can do the reverse operation done to blind the token in the first place to unblind the signature.

This leaves you with a valid signature for the plaintext token value, and ensures that when it is redeemed the mint has no idea when, what, or for whom it signed it. That’s ecash in a nutshell (get it?).

Small Local Mints

The goal of Cashu is to be a lean and lightweight protocol that is easy to implement, easy to integrate, and easy to build on. The vision is an ecosystem of large numbers of very small mints running locally all interconnected over the Lightning Network. Rather than focus on larger mints with network effects allowing direct token transfers between users, incentivizing the concentration of massive amounts of bitcoin in the hands of a few trusted counterparties, the developers envision much more small value and localized operators.

This allows users to place trust in people they have closer relationships with, and each user to depend on an operator much closer in their social circle of trust. Lightning enables this, because rather than having to convince everyone to accept tokens from your mint, you simply redeem them and allow them to receive tokens form their own mint.

The strategy here tries to lean into the reality of Dunbar’s number, the maximum number of people someone can mentally have a meaningful relationship or degree of trust with.

Mint Discovery Over Nostr

Feeding into the general idea of encouraging numerous mints local to people’s circle of trust, the newish Nostr discovery protocol is a huge component of the long term functioning of a Cashu ecosystem. Nostr is built around the idea of users’ identities being tied to self-custodied cryptographic keys, guaranteeing that no one else but them can broadcast messages attributed to their identity.

Nostr’s primary use case currently is social media, which combined with the key based identity scheme provides a powerful foundation for a very old concept in cryptography: webs of trust. Cashu is leveraging this to allow users to discover mints that they could possibly use.

With their Nostr key, anyone using a Cashu wallet supporting the feature can locate mints, and will be able to see what mints people they know, trust, and interact with use. This can form a reputational system allowing them to make more informed decisions on which Cashu mints to trust their funds with rather than blindly guessing and hoping that they don’t get burned at some point.

The more mints that come online, and the more people using them who have Nostr identities, the stronger this reputational web of trust will become overtime. This should naturally sift out malicious or unknown mints, and give users a solid set of trustworthy and honest mint operators to choose from.

Using Multiple Mints

The basic concept of a diverse ecosystem of mints for users to choose from is a solid foundation for a market based system of open and competitive optionality for users. But things can be taken even further. A single user can make use of multiple mints.

Users can have their balance spread across multiple mints, and utilizing a variant of multipath payments, can initiate a payment over the Lightning Network to a single destination with pieces of the payment originating from many different mints they have balances with. This allows the counterparty risk of storing your funds with custodians to be spread across many of them, without sacrificing the ability to make smooth payments to people using different mints than you.

This is made possible by the mints running customized software to enable a mint to only partially pay a Lightning invoice, allowing other mints you have funds with to pay other chunks of the invoice. As long as each mint successfully routes their payment to the final destination, the payment will succeed.

It is even possible with further customization of their Lightning nodes to allow users to receive a payment to multiple mints. If the mints support a users wallet generating the preimage to finalize the payment instead of the mint, each mint being used to receive funds can issue their own invoices where the receiving user controls the preimage release. As long as each participating mint receives the routed HTLC, the user can release the preimage to all of them and successfully distribute their received funds across the mints.

This scheme can massively reduce the risk of fund loss due to any one mint, and in combination with the Nostr discovery protocol and associated webs of trust can drastically improve user security.

Programming The Money

One of the most useful aspects of the Cashu is the ability to program script functionality into an ecash token the same way that a real bitcoin UTXO is lockable with a program using Bitcoin script. Cashu tokens can encode script conditions before blinding the token for the mint to notarize, and when they are later redeemed the mint can refuse to redeem the token unless those arbitrary script conditions are fulfilled.

Currently Cashu has implemented a lock to public key script, requiring a signature from the specified public key in order to redeem the token. This enables minting tokens that are locked and only redeemable by the holder of a specific private key. Once the token is minted with the public key lock, it is impossible for anyone else to redeem it.

This can be used to enable secure payments where the receiver is offline. Even without an internet connection, as soon as they receive the token from the sender they can be sure once they verify the mint’s signature that no one else can redeem the token. They can safely accept it as payment knowing they can redeem it later at a convenient time.

This introduces a bit of complexity, as a sender has to lock tokens to a specific receiver ahead of time if they do not have an internet connection at the moment of spending. Given that people very frequently don’t know exactly how much they will spend somewhere, this creates a problem of potentially allocating too much money with no way to take it back if they don’t spend it.

But script can support many things, tokens could be created that require a signature from a specific public key, or anyone after a certain amount of time has passed. Something analogous to an HTLC. The Cashu spec also defines an actual HTLC token script.

As time goes on and more use cases are desired, the scripts that people can lock Cashu tokens with can be expanded arbitrarily based on the needs of users and mint operators. I expect this to become a very powerful aspect of the protocol in the long term. It could support escrow services, multisignature tokens, and a large variety of arbitrary smart contracts. Cashu mints can enforce any script condition that Bitcoin can, and much more.

The Big Picture

People use custodians, it is something people have always done, and will likely always do regardless of how much flexibility is offered by non-custodial solutions. It’s just a fact of life that some people can’t or don’t want to take the responsibility or deal with the complexity of self custody.

Cashu aims to be a radical improvement for users of custodial services. Something that can bring privacy, censorship resistance, and flexibility to users who otherwise would not have access to these things with the way traditional custodial services are architected.

The goal of the Cashu project is not to “scale Bitcoin” using custodians, but to offer an improved and private system for users of custodial services. I think this is a laudable goal, and one that in the long term has massive potential to be a huge benefit for these users. 

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Lightning Is the Common Language of the Bitcoin Economy



One of the best parts about running Breez is the diverse range of people I get to meet and work with. We have partners from Jamaica, the USA, Switzerland, Germany, Canada, Estonia, and who knows where else. We have users in Finland, Wales, Namibia, India, and almost everywhere else. The people behind Breez are split across three continents and come from a broad range of national and ethnic backgrounds.

Agreeing on a communication platform (Telegram? Slack? Zoom? Discord?) sometimes takes a bit of coordination. What never needs coordination, though, is the language we use to communicate. It’s always automatically English. For many of us, English is our second (or third, or fourth) language, and parts of it are baffling, but it doesn’t matter. Every initial contact is in English, all channels are automatically in English, and all public communication (like this blog) is in English. There’s not even a contender for second place.

And there’s basically no way to change this convention. Nobody could simply decree that we’re all going to start speaking Mandarin or Esperanto or Inuktitut. Whether because of convenience, actual utility, historical imposition, or sheer numbers, English is locked in. But it works, so why mess with it?

This example demonstrates a few points. First, the interface between individual nodes in a network – whether people, nations, or communities – has the form of a language. Second, there needs to be a common language. In fact, the limits of the language are the limits of the network. In other words, the distribution of the language defines the network. Finally, common languages are very sticky. Once everyone has adapted to a common language, it’s basically locked in.

Now for a fact about the present that will irrevocably shape the future: Lightning is emerging as the common language of the bitcoin economy.

Lightning is bitcoin’s Tower of Babel, but nobody wants to tear it down. (Image: Wikimedia)

 A Common Language among Subnetworks

We’ve talked before about various last-mile technologies. They’re like the local secondary roads that connect users to the higher-throughput Lightning Network and, ultimately, the Bitcoin mainnet. They all basically work by bundling users and their transactions into subnetworks.

For example, Ark and Liquid convert incoming bitcoin into their own mechanisms (VTXOs and L-BTC, respectively) that users can then send to each other according to their respective protocols without needing further on-chain transactions. Alternatively, Fedimint members effectively pool their bitcoin and trade IOUs among themselves, with transactions and the financial state of affairs overseen by a federation of trusted guardians. With Cashu, people exchange e-cash tokens and trust the issuing body.

Each kind of subnetwork can use its own language. How the nodes communicate among themselves in these subnetworks is their business. What’s interesting is that these subnetworks communicate with each other over Lightning, even if we’re just talking about, say, two different Cashu mints or when a Fedi interacts with an Ark. Lightning is the common language of all the emergent and thriving subnetworks based on bitcoin.

Returning to the analogy of English, it doesn’t matter to me what language you speak at home or at the supermarket. You can speak whatever obscure dialect you want with others who understand it. But if you want to talk to me or virtually anyone else on Telegram or Slack, English is really the only option. Nobody could change that even if they wanted to, and nobody seems to want to. Just like Lightning.

Lightning is the common language of the emerging subnetworks. It’s the language of bitcoin.

Why Lightning Is the Optimal Language for Bitcoin

A common language is not necessarily an optimal language. It just has to work and be broadly accepted. Just like the Bitcoin mainchain has certain advantages (e.g. immutability, openness, borderlessness, etc.) that recommends it for certain uses, Lightning is the best choice for a common language between subnetworks for at least three reasons.

Layered networks interacting via a common language. (Image: Adobe Firefly)

Lightning Is Bitcoin, and Bitcoin Is the Trustless Bearer Asset

The first and probably most important reason why Lightning is the best common language is that it uses bitcoin. Simply, the subnetworks might not trust each other, and they have no reason to. But since Bitcoin and, by extension, Lightning eschew trust, the subnetworks can interact without trust. Bitcoin is the only viable bearer asset, and Lightning is the language of Bitcoin, so Lightning is the best common language for the subnetworks to interact with each other.

Further, Lightning, like Bitcoin, also eschews leverage. The whole business model of fractional-reserve banks is based on a hole in their balance sheets. By contrast, every sat on Lightning is accounted for at every moment. A balance sheet displaying all the positions on the network would be perpetually balanced. No gap, no overlap. Lightning resists imbalances due to hubris, incompetence, and villainy, which is a necessary feature in a trustless environment.

Lightning Is Inherently Transactional and Interoperable

Second, Lightning is a transactional protocol designed to facilitate flow. For normal payments, there’s no mempool and no delay until the next block is mined. Payments take seconds, if that. And transactions – money in motion – are what make Lightning valuable. Literally. Static sats on the network don’t earn any return. In order for liquidity on Lightning to grow, it has to flow. A common language won’t be used much if it rewards silence. It must promote communication, which is exactly what Lightning does.

Further, the Lightning technology detailed in the catalog of bolt specs is inherently interoperable. It was designed to enable multiple implementations of Lightning nodes with different designs, trade-offs, and programming languages. All these nodes can, however, interact over a common network because they all support the same bolts. Being interoperable by design makes it easy for other technologies to add Lightning as another interface.

Lightning Has Critical Mass

Finally, a common language needs a sizeable community of speakers. Try saying “skibidi rizz” in a nursing home or, even better, a nursing home in Cambodia. Perhaps the biggest advantage of English is simply its popularity: more people speak English than any other language on the planet. And while only a quarter of the inhabitants of many countries speak English, you can still find an English speaker at the next table at virtually every bar and restaurant on the planet. Try that with Catalan.

Lightning has already achieved a critical mass. It’s already obvious how a Cashu subnetwork and Fedimint subnetworks will communicate with each other: Lightning. That’s how they were designed, so switching the common language between networks would require rebuilding most of their parts. Like English, whatever language subnetworks use internally, Lightning is the language they use to speak to each other, and it’s already locked in.

The Permanence of Lightning

Actual lightning – the kind from storm clouds – is a notoriously brief phenomenon. Flashing momentarily and vanishing is its whole thing. But the Lightning Network – the interface between any number of nodes, subnetworks, and the Bitcoin mainchain – is not going anywhere. Common languages tend to hold that status for centuries.

Bitcoin is the world’s best currency. Lightning is the common language of the bitcoin world, and it’s here to stay. For those of us already established in Lightning, this is very good news. That Lightning is locked in means our first-mover advantage is going to be very valuable indeed.

But it’s also good news for those just entering Lightning now or considering it. It eliminates uncertainty about which technology to support and invest in. Lightning is going nowhere but up, so it’s never the wrong time to get started. Better yesterday than today, better today than tomorrow, but tomorrow is good too.

The best time to get into Lightning is now. Always has been.

This is a guest post by Roy Sheinfeld. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Magazine.

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