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Bitcoin's Role In Defending Democracy In Nicaragua With Félix Maradiaga



At the 2024 Bitcoin Policy Summit, Nicaraguan pro-democracy activist Félix Maradiaga shared his insights on the severe challenges facing his country, which is under the autocratic rule of Daniel Ortega.

According to Maradiaga, the Nicaraguan people are losing their freedoms at an alarming rate.

“According to the Freedom in the World report, we have the very unfortunate label of being the country that over the last year has lost the most freedoms,” Maradiaga told Bitcoin Magazine.

“Imagine a country in which you could go to prison for raising the national flag, for tweeting, for receiving a remittance from an international donor or for expressing your opinions on social media,” he added.

“That’s the situation in Nicaragua.”

Maradiaga pointed out that 130 individuals are currently being arbitrarily detained for political reasons and that, over the last three years, more than 1,700 have been incarcerated under inhumane conditions. He was one one of those 1,700.

The oppressive environment has forced nearly 12% of the population into exile, according to Maradiaga.

Using Bitcoin To Combat Financial Repression

Maradiaga is now working to rebuild the capacity of the democratic opposition in Nicaragua from abroad, and his advocacy includes using Bitcoin to circumvent the financial repression employed by the Ortega regime.

After thanking his wife, Berta Valle, as well as Human Rights Foundation Chief Strategy Officer Alex Gladstein, for introducing him to Bitcoin, Maradiaga recounted an example of how the technology has helped pro-democracy freedom fighters on the front lines in Nicaragua.

In 2018, when his team of human rights defenders compiled reports on Nicaragua’s situation, those involved with the process were compensated via the traditional financial rails.

The Ortega regime was able to access those financial records with help from the European Union, the United Nations and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), which led to the persecution of those involved with the efforts of Maradiaga’s team.

“We learned very early that we couldn’t use the traditional banking system because financial repression for political control is actually one of the areas in which dictators have learned a lot. They’ve become highly sophisticated,” he explained.

To counteract this, Maradiaga and his colleagues turned to Bitcoin.

“Bitcoin is the only tool that is bulletproof to financial repression from dictators,” Maradiaga stated.

The Misuse Of Anti-Money Laundering Regulation

Reflecting on global policy, Maradiaga discussed the broader implications of legislation and regulation on Bitcoin.

He cited the Magnitsky Justice Campaign, which uses sanctions against oppressive regimes, and noted that these regimes retaliate by freezing the bank accounts of freedom fighters, often under the guise of international money laundering regulations endorsed by institutions like the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

He went on to explain that anti-money laundering rules are often used to target the wrong parties.

“We’ve seen 3,400 NGOs shut down using this particular law,” explained Maradiaga.

He argued that the mechanisms developed post-World War II are obsolete and that embracing new technologies like Bitcoin is essential.

Policymakers Must Educate Themselves About Bitcoin

Maradiaga urged policymakers worldwide to educate themselves about Bitcoin.

“Policymakers around the world who are suspicious of Bitcoin must acknowledge the fact that it’s completely understandable to have questions when [they] don’t understand any technology,” he shared. “Once you are educated about this technology, you can really see that this is a tool that I think is way more viable to tackle these challenges more than the traditional monetary [system].”

The Global Fight Against Dictators

Maradiaga also stressed that Nicaragua’s struggle is part of a larger issue.

“Dictators are collaborating among themselves,” he said.

“They are sharing technology. They are supporting themselves through weapons and mechanisms of repression,” he added.

“Those of us who believe in freedom, in human dignity, in human rights, and in free and fair societies, we need to collaborate with each other.”

Maradiaga shared that people can get involved with his efforts at World Liberty Congress.

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How Web3 can prevent Hollywood strikes



Streaming video is one of the fastest-growing markets in the world, with the OTT video industry alone projected to reach $200 billion in 2023. Short for “over-the-top” video, the OTT video ecosystem includes on-demand video as well as ad-supported video content, and it is mainly driven by the growth of established Web2 streaming platforms, including Netflix, Hulu and Disney+.

The streaming video market is expected to grow at 14.3% CAGR. Source: Replay

The streaming video market is expected to grow at 14.3% CAGR. Source: Replay

While the reports project an $300 billion revenue for the streaming video business by 2027, the lopsided revenue-sharing mechanics of the industry creates an unhealthy balance between the creators of value and the platforms distributing that content. The centralized nature of the video streaming ecosystem allows for opaque distribution and lets platforms capture the vast majority of the revenue, leaving minimal value for video creators.

Although companies – ranging from talent agencies to tech projects – exist to broker and license content on behalf of the creator, they fail to track revenue accurately and mostly rely on manual record-keeping. The recent strikes started by the Writers Guild of America (WGA), Directors Guild of America (DGA) and SAG-AFTRA, the union representing actors in the United States, remind the film industry that the workers behind streamed shows are heavily underpaid and uninformed when they will get paid next, highlighting the issues in the traditional value distribution model.

Blockchain-based video distribution

One potential solution for mainstream media brands managing these issues lies in a decentralized, transparent video distribution ecosystem that utilizes the traceability and accountability qualities of blockchain technology. Replay, a decentralized video streaming protocol, aims to provide transparency and fairness to content creators and owners by building a video ecosystem with real-time compensation by monitoring content usage on playback and recording all data on a distributed ledger. The protocol can also gamify any video app with badges, missions and digital collectibles.

Replay’s first streaming service, RewardedTV, utilizes Web3 to reward viewers with digital tokens. Users can redeem reward tokens for digital goods, and the whole experience is gamified with features such as leaderboards and competitions.

How decentralized video streaming works for the benefit of creators and viewers. Source: Replay​​​​​​​

How decentralized video streaming works for the benefit of creators and viewers. Source: Replay

Using Replay’s asset management portal, creators can get live insights into their content consumption data and have direct control over their business models. Replay also lets creators be in charge of their own distribution by allowing them to build first-hand relations with platforms, publishers and communities that wish to support creators.

Replay joins Cointelegraph Accelerator

Replay has become the latest participant of the Cointelegraph Accelerator program. Given the growth potential of a Web3-driven video industry, Cointelegraph Accelerator picked  Replay for its U.S.-headquartered experienced team of 10+ employees hailing from within the video industry as well as its proven track record. “It’s incredibly exciting to be selected by Cointelegraph for this prestigious accelerator program,” said Krish Arvapally, CEO of Replay.

“In an online world that’s increasingly dedicated to streaming and video, this partnership is a testament to our progress in building the open Web3 standard for tracking and monetizing video engagement.”

As of May 2023, RewardedTV hit 100,000 registered users, with over 4,000 video-on-demand (VOD) options and over 120+ linear and live channels. The platform provides access to over 20,000 titles, including those from popular brands like Yu-Gi-Oh!, The Washington Post and WatchMojo.

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