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Palestinian Taxi Driver Uses Bitcoin To Save Civilians In Gaza



Countless lives were changed on October 7th, 2023, and Yusef Mahmoud’s was no different. Even before the war, the Palestinian taxi driver couldn’t stand being a passive observer of unemployment and hunger, both prevalent in Gaza’s everyday life. In 2022 and early 2023, more than two million Gazans lacked access to clean water and an appropriate sewage system, while two-thirds of the population lived in poverty.

Against this backdrop, Yusef turned online for help. It was Ramadan of 2023 and he wondered if other Muslims across the globe would contribute with bitcoin, the first decentralized cryptocurrency, that he could use to buy and distribute food for those in need and toys for children in Gaza. UK-based Bitcoiner Fumble was amongst those who answered his call.

“I quickly saw that Yusef was genuinely transferring over the support he received to people on the ground,” Fumble recalls. “As Bitcoiners sent satoshis (bitcoin’s smaller monetary units) to Yusef, he returned pictures of the donations’ impact on elderly people and orphans around him. The more proof I saw of his work, the more I wanted to help, and that’s when I suggested Geyser as a means for Yusef to organize his initiative and scale up the project.”

In April 2023, Yusef launched a project on Geyser, a global Bitcoin crowdfunding platform, to raise more funds and provide food and potable water to Palestinian civilians in need.

When the going got tougher, support followed

Within the following months, Yusef’s project took on new dimensions. The situation in Gaza was aggravated due to the military occupation, which displaced 85% of Gaza’s population and halted economic activities, further worsening poverty and unemployment. Demand for food and water escalated and Yusef switched focus from supporting families during Ramadan to providing everyday essentials for civilians in need.

Between April 2023 and May 2024, more than 1,500 people had donated to the cause. This has enabled Yusef to repeatedly buy food and potable water for 20,000 families in Gaza, each with an average of five to seven members. About 500 of the people he helps are orphans.

Fumble explains that having a Geyser project made it easier for people to support Yusef’s efforts. Today, Yusef relies on these donations to continually source tinned food, baby supplies, potable water, bags of flour, clothing, and access to medication for civilians. Donations have also been ensuring that Yusef has enough credit on his e-SIM card to stay connected and up-to-date on what the community needs, and so he can access the donations received through the project.

“More people over here are now using Bitcoin, there’s no other way.”

Within two months of the start of the war, unemployment in Gaza had surged to 79.3%. Locals lack sources of income and access to water, sanitation, healthcare, and education. Half of the local population are children. Meanwhile, even those who had savings in the bank found themselves unable to make transactions.

“During wars, you’re left with only the change you had in your wallet,” Yusef explains over a glitchy call, where Fumble is also present to help bridge our language gap. “Bank apps in our phones are down and banks are freezing accounts in Gaza. We only have cash or Bitcoin.”

Fumble explains that the Palestinian economy runs on the Israeli shekel and that Gaza’s financial system is almost completely dependent on Israel, which must approve the movement of cash into the area.”The occupation is why payment processors don’t facilitate it, and it is the reason why Israel has control over transactions that come to their banks,” says Fumble.

Because of this, many Palestinians relied on contacts from abroad to manage or access their funds, but tales abound of people who trusted someone to receive their money only to find that the person wouldn’t pass it over to its rightful owner. Those who do pass on the money often charge a steep fee upwards of 30%.

For people like Yusef, Bitcoin emerged stronger than ever as an alternative. Its peer-to-peer, permissionless nature enables him to bypass financial and platform barriers to get aid from abroad and help people on the ground. Additionally, fees to exchange bitcoin into fiat money are around 5%, making it cheaper and faster than the alternative. “You can see why more people over here are now using Bitcoin; there’s no other way,” Yusef shares.

Additionally, other crowdfunding platforms either don’t operate in Gaza or have blacklisted it, so you can’t use them to send or receive funds if you’re registered in Palestine. Geyser continues to enable people in this location to raise funds using bitcoin, with added precautions such as requiring users to ID themselves to ensure funds are not being used to support sanctioned individuals.

“Citizens have no fault in this war, that’s why I help them.”

To further complicate the economic situation in Gaza, many families are separated by enforced displacement as Palestinian men are detained at scale while their families are told to flee. “Fathers were the key breadwinners in Gaza, and many families are now left to fend for themselves. These are the people most often coming to my door asking for help,” says Yusef.

To help them, Yusef regularly drives to Rafah in search of supplies. The commute isn’t easy. Dislocation across Gaza makes Yusef more vulnerable to being targeted while thorough inspections by military forces restrict the goods coming into Rafah from Egypt. “Supplies are being deliberately restricted,” explains Fumble. “There’s no anesthetic, no insulin, medical respirators are punctured… Even a pair of medical scissors may be considered a weapon and used as an excuse to reject a batch of supplies. Not to mention trucks are deliberately being delayed so the food goes bad.” When asked about what motivates him to carry on, Yusef replies simply: “Citizens have no fault in this war, that’s why I help them.”

But there are also good days. In March 2024, Yusef managed to buy 2,700 chickens from Egypt to feed his community. The order qualified as ‘commercial capacity’, which simplified the bureaucracy across borders. These large-scale transactions are a source of hope for Yusef, but they’re only possible when substantial donations come in.

In April 2024, Yusef’s project received $48k worth of bitcoin. I ask Yusef whether he is proud or surprised by this achievement, to which he says: “My greatest achievement has been getting people, especially children, the help they need.” More recently, he built almost 100 tents to shelter displaced families.

Although his project consistently ranks amongst the most funded on Geyser, it sometimes struggles to keep up with the relentless needs and expenses Yusef has been trying to meet. For example, not only is food hard to come by but it also comes at a huge price inflation when available. On the week of our call, soon after Yusef raised $48k on Geyser, donations became scarce and he came close to selling his car so he’d have money to help people in desperate need of medical aid. “To help more people, we need the money to access large-scale supplies and rent cars or trucks to transport those goods to displaced communities,” he explains.

Using bitcoin to meet people’s immediate needs, one day at a time

Online, the work is carried out on X, where Fumble helps Yusef spread the word about the project so the trickle of donations doesn’t dry out. “Yusef sends me videos of the work being carried out on the ground, which helps to prove that the project is credible and genuine. The consistency with which he shares those videos helps to demonstrate transparency about his intentions. The challenge is sharing as much information as possible without compromising people’s safety,” Fumble explains.

“You have to be very mindful,” says Fumble. “We want to show as much as possible what’s happening and Yusef’s first-hand content is precious in that regard. The more transparency, the more likely people are to donate. But at the same time, we need to protect innocent civilians in Gaza, many of whom feel quite abandoned by the world.”

Alongside that sentiment, Palestinians stick to the long held mantra “steadfast.” When asked whether he has hopes that life will return to normal, Yusef doesn’t hesitate: “Yes, of course.”

Until then, Fumble thinks about how else he can help civilians in Gaza. On the cards is the possibility of manufacturing and supplying 3D-printed prosthetics for children who’ve lost limbs during this conflict. “When I share these ideas with Yusef, he just says ‘God willing’,” says Fumble, “because he doesn’t take anything for granted; he’s working hard to meet people’s immediate needs. The bitcoin donations have become that lifeline he’s holding on to get people through just one more day.”

Donate to Yusef’s Save Gaza project here

This is a guest post by Michele Morucci. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Magazine.

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Bitcoin's Trump Card: Dividing Is The Wrong Move



Courtesy of Bitcoin magazine, Trump (left) with Bitcoin Magazine CEO David Bailey (right)

Ever since Donald Trump became more vocal in support of Bitcoin heading into this year’s Presidential campaign, I’ve been sitting with a wide range of emotions and concerns.

Outside of Bitcoin, as a left-leaning voter and vocal critic of Donald Trump, I have deep concerns with such an ego-centric, narcissistic character assuming power in the oval office again, not to mention the damage this could do to issues I deeply care about in the U.S. including a woman’s right to choose, reproductive rights, immigration, global affairs, and beyond.

I came into Bitcoin and began writing, running the Progressive Bitcoiner, and advocating for Bitcoin to those outside of the right leaning/libertarian bubble because I had great concerns about Bitcoin being perceived as “right wing” or politically polarizing. It’s open source code, digital peer-to-peer cash, not belonging to any one ideology or political party. I believe in its importance to radically improve our world, and the lives of millions and billions of people. Already from the left, campaigns like Greenpeace USA, Elizabeth Warren’s anti-crypto army, and beyond assume Bitcoin to be a haven for criminals and terrorists, climate denying fossil fuel tycoons, and only for the wealthy and wall street. Despite advances in data showing Bitcoin is one of the most, if not the most, sustainable industries on the planet, it’s growing list of human rights use-cases and more, appealing to progressives and the left about Bitcoin (yes Bitcoin specifically, not crypto) continues to be an uphill battle. What should we expect after years of Bitcoin’s loudest voices promoting various right leaning ideologies, encouraging books like the Bitcoin Standard, various right wing lifestyle maximalism tropes including carnivore diets, traditional family values, skepticism of science and climate science, and beyond.

Winklevoss brothers with Trump

The Trump campaign, and Bitcoiners openly donating to, engaging with, and stanning for Trump makes my job a lot harder. Metaphorically, we went from going fishing (regarding steady bitcoin adoption) to throwing a grenade in the water, without the slightest pause for how this may affect the bigger picture.

The reality is, post 2016 with the election of Donald Trump, and the doubling down of Hillary and the Democratic party calling his supports a “basket of deplorables,” (yes I’m quite critical of the left too!) our political polarization has skyrocketed, leaving most to feel politically homeless (some studies suggesting between 70 million to 100 million Americans).

The left has been corrupted by purity culture. If your view, means to an end, etc. has not been approved by The Left Regime (or you are not well versed on dozens of leftist philosophers and the latest theories), you’re out! Trump and bitcoiners aside, this is also why it’s so hard to get them to engage on bitcoin, because it’s not what their tribe uses, it’s right wing money (according to them).

The right has been overtaken by Trump and a party of valueless debauchery. Conservatives/republicans used to be values driven with actually policy and ideas, which I could agree or disagree with. Now it’s just complete chaos fueled and led by Trump, who has no political philosophy or value system, just ego.

Bitcoin should be a tool to cut through this noise. A tool that any ideology in this case can find useful and valuable. Instead, I’m deeply concerned the narrative may very well latch on to Trump-ism for the next several years, and beyond. Am I ultimately concerned about Bitcoin, its code, usefulness, use-cases, and beyond? Not for this Trump/political reason, no not necessarily (I do have concerns about regulatory capture via ETF’s, mining centralization, lack of privacy and better tools for bitcoin’s peer-to-peer use, etc…but that’s a chat for another time).

I just simply think it’s a bad move for bitcoiners to put all their eggs in the Trump basket, or any political basket for that matter. There’s severe reputational risk, slow down of adoption in the U.S. for those (especially on the left) that will see this as “Trump’s thing” or “right wing” and further this narrative, and the politicians who will respond by doubling down on narratives they continue to try to push against Bitcoin.

Photo by Rob Curran on Unsplash

For Bitcoin’s social layer, I think it’s in the best interest to continue educating on bitcoin, advocating for grassroots adoption at the individual/community level, holding politicians accountable when they try to overstep (like Elizabeth Warren wanting to institute a backdoor ban on self-custody…no, we’re not going to let that fly, much less how that’s blatantly unconstitutional), and not desperately clinging to politicians’ words on the campaign trail, no matter who they are, that are purely pandering for votes, regardless of what may happen once they are in office (or what they can actually do, versus the legislative and judiciary branches).

As for me, an independent voter, I care deeply about Bitcoin, it’s long-term success, and seeing as many people as possible around the world use and benefit from this revolutionary money and technology. Both for Bitcoin, and for reasons beyond Bitcoin and into my values I stated above, I cannot in good conscience support Donald Trump. You don’t have to vote for Donald Trump to support, learn about or use Bitcoin, or contribute to the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Whether you agree or disagree with me, my hope is that among a growing chorus of Trump supporters from the Bitcoin community, those on the outside looking in may see that not all of us are on the same page, and that Bitcoin is for anyone regardless of your political party or who you plan to vote for come November.

This is a guest post by Trey Walsh. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Magazine.

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Give Me Self-Custody Or Give Me Death



It feels like this year is going by at the speed of light, doesn’t it? I can hardly believe that it’s already June. Everyone is in vacation mode and ready to relax by the pool and forget the daily grind of work and taking care of a family.

I completely understand the sentiment. Who doesn’t want to stop thinking about wallet-crushing inflation, high interest rates, credit card debt, and the sense that whatever you do you can’t advance in life? It almost feels like this whole system is rigged against you right?

Well, it is, to be honest, but that’s a story for another time. The powers that be who want you fat, happy, and stupid have largely succeeded in that mission. Now that they have succeeded in dumbing down the populace, they literally can do whatever the hell they want and get away with it with impunity.

The thing is their hubris has gotten the best of them. The Federal Reserve and its zero interest rate policy (ZIRP) royally screwed things up to the detriment of the American people and the federal government.

Before the pandemic of 2020, the government had a hard time keeping the inflation rate around its 2 percent benchmark. Certain economic factors such as improved technology, a declining birth rate, baby boomer retirement, and globalization made it where inflation was trending down over time.

The Federal Reserve, in their infinite wisdom and constantly worried about deflation, kept cutting interest rates to spur borrowing and lending in the American economy, which worked for a time until we got to 2008 and the Great Financial Crisis (GFC).

The increased borrowing and lending overheated the housing market and almost took down the global economy, but luckily we had the “mighty” government to step in a fix a problem they helped create. That being said you would think they would have learned their lesson and got their fiscal house in order.

It’s the government, of course not! They did nothing of the sort, what they did do is keep going on their spending binge through the 2020 pandemic. It didn’t matter what political party was in office, the spending kept going up and up.

Did you know that former President Trump added $8.4 trillion to the national debt while he was in office and President Biden is not faring much better with total debt looking to clock in around the $7.9-$8 trillion mark? Needless to say, the government is broke and is living on borrowed time.

Whoever “wins” the election will be the captain of a sinking ship. Medicare and Social Security are broken and completely unaffordable but politicians don’t dare tell the millions of Americans who “paid” into their entire working lives that there is no pot of money set aside for them and that it was just an elaborate tax scheme to fund the government.

You are NOT entitled to receive social security “benefits”, I hope you know that by now. If the government told you f**k you, you ain’t getting Social Security or Medicare, there isn’t a damn thing you could do about it. There are no lawsuits that you could file to compel the government to give you your money back or elect the “right” congressman to fix things. Once the government taxes your paycheck, that money is GONE forever.

You can’t trust the government to keep its end of the bargain or not to debase the currency and destroy your quality of life. With a government like this, why would you trust them with anything? Self-custody of assets is going to determine the winners and losers over the next 5-10 years.

Storm Clouds Gathering

I don’t know about you but I have this unsettling feeling that we are on the precipice of something major. It is going to be a paradigm shift for the whole world. If you look out over the horizon you can see all the pieces falling into place. Just take a look at what is going on:

The United States government is $34 trillion in debt with no end in sight.

Israel/Gaza War

Israel bombing the Iranian military in Syria

BRICS expansion and de-dollarization ongoing


Russia/Ukraine War

Global birthrate under replacement levels

All across the globe there is open hostility or simmering tensions about to blow out in the open. I’m not sure if this is how the world felt pre-WW2 but it sure feels like the world is coming apart at the seams. With all this going on, how can you trust the current dollar-based system to protect your hard-earned wealth?

Nothing New Under The Sun

If you have large amounts of dollars in the bank, your wealth is at risk. The banks can confiscate or severely restrict your access to your money, especially during a bank run or some other unforeseen crisis. This is exactly what happened in 2013 during the Eurozone crisis.

During this time Cyprus’ two largest banks were in trouble and need of a bailout from the European Union. The Cypriot government was desperate and the EU knew it, so in classic mob fashion, they insisted on the bank conducting a bail-in using customer funds!!

It doesn’t get any worse than this people. According to a 2018 survey, 55 percent of households who were over the $100k threshold in deposits experienced direct financial loss, and 28 percent experienced a bail-in of deposits.

If you think it can’t happen to you, think again. I bet the Cypriots thought it couldn’t happen to them yet it did. Now is not the time to be complacent and think that everything is fine. If you are a Bitcoiner you understand the world we live in right now.

This is why self-custody of your assets, principally Bitcoin is a must if you want to survive the economic armageddon with your wealth intact.

Self Custody Is The Best Tool For Economic Freedom

Satoshi created Bitcoin and gave us the monetary policy that we need to change the trajectory of humanity from endless fiat wars and a dystopian surveillance state to a bright orange future where human potential can flourish.

In addition to creating a just and fair monetary system, Satoshi gave us the ability to self-custody our wealth without the need for a middleman such as a bank. A simple Bitcoin wallet address and your private key are all you need to secure your wealth from confiscation by a malicious third party. This is truly revolutionary, I mean this is a true 1776 moment in history that was fired back on Jan 3, 2009.

Self-custody gives you the ability to move across borders with your wealth and start over in a new place if push comes to shove. You can’t do that with gold, you can’t do that with silver, you can’t do that with your 401k or the brand new shiny Bitcoin ETFs.

Not your keys, not your coin is the mantra that should be drilled into the head of every single new person coming into Bitcoin. Trusting a custodian to hodl your Bitcoin wealth is just as risky as keeping money in the bank.

There is so much educational material and Bitcoiners willing to help people new to Bitcoin that quite frankly it is unacceptable to have anyone holding any amount of Bitcoin on an exchange. If a majority of Bitcoin holders are keeping their coins on an exchange or purchasing a Bitcoin ETF instead of the real deal, what are we even doing here? It’s self-custody or bust. This is the mission at hand. Are you ready anon? 

This is a guest post by Robert Hall. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Magazine.

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Brad Sherman




In 2018, one of the largest donors to Rep. Brad Sherman’s campaign was a bank director who had spent large sums of money to build political influence among American politicians — and who led a US-registered non-for-profit that “signed a MOU of friendly cooperation” with a Chinese state entity alleged by the US State Department to “malignly” influence local and state authorities — a branch of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and part of the United Front Work Department (UFWD) responsible for “co-opting and neutralizing threats to the party’s rule and spreading its influence and propaganda overseas,” as alleged by the State Department. His name: Simon Pang of the Royal Business Bank.

The Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (“CPAFFC”) draws its leadership from the Chinese political elite — including former ambassadors and the children of important Party leaders. According to Ann Marie Brady, an expert on the topic, it has a main goal of 洋为中用, or “making the foreign serve China”. It is affiliated with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China (“MoFA”) – its last two chairs have been former ambassadors and it has “oversight and management by China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and staffing by foreign-affairs cadres”.

MoFA is the first-ranked executive department of the State Council that governs China, roughly an equivalent to the US State Department. Under Xi’s rule, the United Front, an effort to cultivate foreign communities and elites for Chinese state interests, has grown in scope and importance and has been described as “China’s magic weapon”. The CPAFFC is described as the “public face” of the United Front Work Department by senior figures at the Heritage Foundation and Asia Society, and it is alleged that it is the main force behind “united front work” designed to exert Chinese state objectives through the use of influence abroad. Its aim has been described as pushing “the CCP’s political agenda on the subnational level and [to] bypass official diplomatic channels by using foreign “friends of China”.

In Canada, China was alleged to be the main perpetrator of “foreign influence in elections” in the last two elections. The former opposition leader testified that this probably led to the “loss of up to nine seats” for his party. The investigation into the matter has now led to a report that alleges that Canadian lawmakers covertly worked with foreign governments, most notably China. In Europe, an aide for a Member of the European Parliament was arrested under suspicion for spying for China, and his boss was placed under investigation for alleged payments from the Chinese state. Perhaps this rising level of assertiveness is why President Biden has warned President Xi not to interfere in the upcoming presidential elections.

Simon Pang meets with President Biden, Photo Credit:

Simon Pang meets with Governor Newsom of California, Photo Credit: Baidu –

Simon Pang meets with Mayor Bass of Los Angeles. Photo credit:

Rep. Sherman has long been an anti-Bitcoin advocate who has alleged that tax laws would not be enforceable because of the lack of transparency around Bitcoin. He draws most of his support from the Securities and Investment, Finance and Real Estate sectors consequently. The Royal Business Bank is no exception to this tendency.

Rep. Brad Sherman met with Simon Pang and Chinese state officials at least once. In a June 1, 2019 Facebook post, he shared that he had met the Consul General and Deputy Consul General to discuss US-China issues with Mr. Simon Pang. By that time, Royal Business Bank had donated $16,600 to his campaign, and would donate $5,700 after.

Simon Pang meets Rep. Brad Sherman along with Chinese diplomatic officials, Photo Credit: Author screenshot

How did Simon Pang, a director at a community bank with an approximately $300 million market cap in the United States, nowhere near even the top 100 banks in the United States by size, become an institution that could sign a memorandum of understanding with a prominent branch of a Chinese United Front work department, be hailed and honored by two chairs of the public face of Chinese influence abroad, be a part of a meeting with Chinese diplomats and American politicians like Rep. Sherman, become Rep. Judy Chu’s +1 to the Obama-Xi 2015 state dinner, be highlighted by Vice President Kamala Harris as a “friend for so many years” who has stayed “involved in such an extraordinary way”, and meet President Xi Jinping one-to-one to discuss “California’s sole presence” at President Xi’s “personal project” — the CIEE Forum to boost imports to China — a 1:1 meeting often coveted but often denied to America’s most powerful corporate leaders?

Simon Pang with Rep. Judy Chu, U.S. representative for California’s 28th congressional district as her +1 for the 2015 Obama-Xi state dinner. Photo credit: Getty Images –

Perhaps it has something to do with the volume of donations Simon Pang (冯振发 in Mandarin) is correlated with, along with money from multiple entities and the influence he is able to bring to bear with his high-level relationships with the Chinese political and business elite and his ability to bridge them with high-ranking American politicians. He is president of the US-Sino Friendship Association, a small but mighty organization of three.

In total, Simon Pang and the Royal Business Bank he co-founded has made at least $1.42mn in federal contributions, along with numerous state and local donations since September 27th, 2011. During that time period, East West Bank, a large Chinese-American community bank which has about 333x the market capitalization of Royal Business Bank ($10bn vs ~$300mn) and at least 18x the number of employees on LinkedIn had made (half) the number — $745k — in political contributions as RBB. The Royal Business Bank punches way above its weight class here and much quicker (2.5% of federal contributions from East West Bank were 2k and above, while for RBB that figure was nearing 35%) – and that probably allowed its directors to book meetings and garner influence with American politicians – most notably Simon Pang.

Royal Business Bank is also in the business of expanding rapidly around the United States. For example, it purchased Gateway Bank and other banks like it from Pacific Global Bank in Chicago to First American International Bank in New York City. In its S-1 filing with the SEC, RBB also described how a core group of funders that raised $70 million de novo in the depths of the Great Financial Recession (“at that time, this was the largest amount of capital raised by any de novo institution in California”) to form the Royal Business Bank “have also assisted our management team in establishing and growing strong connections with businesses located in China and Asia, as well as at high levels of government in China and Taiwan.

Simon Pang has since retired from Royal Business Bank, but continues to make significant donations as a “Bank Director” at Bank of the Orient and a “Bank Senior Advisor” at New Omni Bank.

Helen Hong Yu is the second member and the secretary of the US-Sino Friendship Association. She owns the Torchwood company and has donated under the Royal Business Bank as well. She sometimes donates under the name Helen Yu or Helen Hong Yu, but often uses the same addresses for those donations. Torchwood may be a reference to the Torchwood Institute — a fictional secret organization in the Doctor Who series that nominally protects the human race against aliens but in reality is trying to (secretly) restore the glory of the British Empire.

In 2015, she received $24,000 in salary for her work as the Secretary of the US-Sino Friendship Association, which spent most of the other funds raised that year for arranging a “delegation to China to promote tourism and trade” and attending the “Annual International Friendship Conference” — likely a reference to the Chinese state sponsored China International Friendship Cities Conference. In total, through her companies Torchwood Inc. and the Royal Business Bank, she has made at least $100,000 in federal contributions. She put the same address for her Torchwood contributions as she did with her Royal Business Bank contributions — 2801 Sepulveda Blvd, Unit 115, 90505-2865. This address is an upscale residential condo with three bedrooms and three bathrooms. The Torchwood corporation is now registered at 2877 Maricopa Street, Torrance, California, 90503 but was incorporated at the 2801 Sepulveda address. This is a 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom house. The Torchwood company itself is listed as a “trading company” on a statement of information.

Kevin Xu is the CEO and the owner of Mebo International and Mebo Group. He has been profiled multiple times as the owner of LA Weekly (this same article lists his mother as Lily Li), and a donor of $1 million to San Francisco in order to be able to host the APEC event. He subsequently became the chair of the APEC Host Committee in 2023, the same event that set the stage for President Xi Jinping‘s first visit to the United States since 2017. He is also listed as the CFO of the US-Sino Friendship Association in some of the initial filings for the organization. A social media profile associated with the Mebo International name posted that in July 3rd, 2017, they were waiting on regulatory agencies in the US to launch. The same page is tagged by the USC Alumni Association with Kevin Xu’s personal profile tagged as well.

Posts from the Mebo International Facebook page, Photo credit: Author screenshot

Posts from the Mebo International Facebook page, Photo credit: Author screenshot

Before this post advocating for California secession, MEBO International had made about $620,000 in federal contributions, including a $100,000 donation to the Hillary Victory Fund. There were also three donations made under the “MEBO Group” name by his mother, Lily Li, between 2016 and 2017 totalling $14,000. The MEBO Group is the name of the company that “was selected by the Ministry of Health of the P.R.C. to be one of the first ten major medical technologies being promoted and popularized across the grass-roots of the country” and is based in Beijing. During that time period, there were no active California-incorporated “Mebo Group” companies called exactly that. The GLOBAL MEBO GROUP INC. (2024634) was terminated in 2002. The MEBO GLOBAL GROUP (4238235) was only incorporated in 2019. The MEBO JINDE MEDIA GROUP INC. (3943622) was active around that time, but the donations did not specify Mebo Media. Overall, both either Kevin Xu and his mother Li Li have both incorporated 14 Mebo entities in California — while its main “International” entity had the ability to make more than half a million dollars in political contributions while “waiting on regulatory authorities”.

The contributions of this small-but-mighty band of the US-Sino Friendship Association are correlated with large sums of donations from others as well. Examples of this include Yeh Shan, who will sometimes donate as a banker at Royal Business Bank or sometimes under multiple telecommunications-related companies such as MY WIRELESS. In one instance, Yeh Shan donated to the Kaine for Virginia fund as “Sales” for MY WIRELESS at the exact same address as they used for a donation to Sherman for Congress under the “Banker” title at Royal Business Bank. This address, 81 Royal Saint George Rd, Newport Beach, CA 92660, appears to be a private residence, a 6,600 square foot mansion estimated by Zillow to be worth about $7 million.

It is unclear exactly what roles figures like Yeh Shan and Helen Hong Yu exactly hold at Royal Business Bank, given that they put their role in FEC disclosures as “BANKER” and “BANK OFFICER” and seem to also own and direct multiple companies at the same time. A public LinkedIn search found no record of a Helen Hong Yu or Yeh Shan working at Royal Business Bank in current or past roles.

Neither was this level of spending confined to federal political contributions either — with the LA Mayor’s Fund listing Simon Pang as a contributor in their 2023 Annual Report. A quick scan of public state and local political contributions databases shows Simon Pang, Helen Hong Yu and Kevin Xu popping up multiple times. For example, contributions in the hundreds of thousands have been marked in the California contributions database. While their names are sometimes conflated, with others (especially Helen Yu, with a lawyer that works at Yu Leseberg having made $13,100 in contributions), their donations stand out through their employers – the same ones they use for federal contributions, most notably Royal Business Bank.

Screenshots of the California contributions database, photo credit: Author screenshot

Screenshots of the California contributions database, photo credit: Author screenshot

Screenshots of the California contributions database, photo credit: Author screenshot

Kevin Xu has his own website listing his philanthropic initiatives, including support for the Obama Foundation, the Clinton Foundation, the Bay Area Council, Harvard Medical School and the Rhodes Trust. He also serves on multiple roles in media organizations, and has donated to universities such as Harvard Medical School.

Kevin Xu with President Clinton, Photo credit:

In Ann Marie Brady’s report, two prime objectives of President Xi’s CPAFFC are to “Appoint foreigners with access to political power to high profile roles in Chinese companies or Chinese-funded entities in the host country. Use sister city relations to expand China’s economic agenda separate to a given nation’s foreign policy. The CCP front organization, the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, is in charge of this activity.”

As an illustrative example of both, Simon Pang has coordinated large tours of Chinese cities for American politicians with the CPAFFC, such as this tour of Chongqing with 17 California politicians including El Segundo Mayor Drew Boyles and Sydney Kamlager-Dove, the current House representative of California’s 37th Congressional District. He also hosted Rep. Jimmy Gomez and at least six California politicians in Jiangsu. In this vein of introducing US mayors to Chinese interests, Simon helped arrange a meeting between the Chinese Faraday billionaire founder and North Las Vegas mayor John Lee.

Simon Pang coordinating a tour of Chongqing’s Stilwell Museum with California lawmakers. General Stilwell was the Allied Chief of Staff in the China Theater during WW2. Photo credit:

As the mayor himself put it in an op-ed: “One very important guest at the event was my good friend Simon Pang. When we were scouring the world looking for a business to come to North Las Vegas, Simon told me about Faraday. Nobody in Nevada had heard of Faraday until Simon introduced me to them, and our city and state are forever indebted to him.” Simon Pang had made at least $5,000 in contributions to Mayor Lee as well. As US intelligence warns on foreign influence from China: “Financial incentives may be used to hook U.S. state and local leaders, given their focus on local economic issues.” and that China “understands U.S. state and local leaders enjoy a degree of independence from Washington and may seek to use them as proxies to advocate for national U.S. policies Beijing desires.”

A delegation of California lawmakers meets Simon Pang and Kevin Xu at Mebo Group’s office in China. Photo credit:

He also cultivated a relationship with John Chiang, the former state treasurer of California and a gubernetorial candidate. Simon Pang’s organization helped coordinate a trip with the CPAFFC for John Chiang, who served on a board with Simon in Chijet Motor Company Inc. – perhaps an example of appointing “foreigners with access to political power to high profile roles.”. Chijet “is partnered with FAW Group (“FAW”), one of the ‘Big Four’ auto manufacturers in China”.

Simon Pang in a group shot with John Chiang, 33rd Treasurer of California, and Rep. Ted Lieu, US House of Representatives Member for California’s 36th congressional district and Vice Chair of the House Democratic Caucus, Photo Credit: US News Express

These two examples are a small preview of the work that have led to Simon being hailed by previous CPAFFC chair Li Xiaolin, the daughter of one of the most powerful men in China during the 1980s, for his work and designated an “honorary overseas director” by her successor, Lin Songtian, who was once China’s “brash” ambassador to South Africa.

Archived Google result detailing CPAFFC President Li Xiaolin praising Simon Pang, Photo credit: Author screenshot

Simon Pang was also honored by then-Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs for the People’s Republic of China Zheng Zeguang, considered to be a leading expert on US-China relations and once a leading contender to be China’s ambassador to the United States after multiple postings in the United States. Instead, Zheng Zeguang was appointed the ambassador to the United Kingdom, where he was recently summoned to deal with foreign espionage charges on British soil from Hong Kong intelligence services.

“On July 30, 2018, Vice Foreign Minister Zheng Zeguang, on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, accepted a RMB 600,000 poverty alleviation donation from Feng Zhenfa, President of the “US-China Friendship Association”, on behalf of the association to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Poverty Alleviation Office, and presented him with a “Certificate of Honor” and a letter of thanks.” Photo and caption credit to:

What was the ultimate goal of this largess and influence-building in coordination with Chinese state organs and applauded by senior figures in China’s foreign policy apparatus? It’s possible that this was an organic effort on everybody’s part to cultivate good business and political ties — albeit a relatively expensive one — the sort of traditional “relationship-making” that might be seen in certain banks.

Simon Pang presented a certificate of being an “honorary overseas director” by then-CPAFFC chair Lin Songtian. Photo credit:

Yet this pattern seems to have hit on a vulnerability inherent in the US electoral system and financial system: first, harnessing state and local benefits among somebody who seems incredibly well-connected with Chinese billionaires and who makes good contributions too, then moving to an amount of contributions in federal elections that would be enough to get meetings with the right people. Members of Congress could notice you being one of their largest donors at the approximately $10k mark and take meetings and trips with you to China. All of this proceeded with the regular banking system and a donor institution that was a bank itself, and this activity doesn’t appear to have drawn any notable public scrutiny through more than a decade even though the bank was a publicly traded company.

Simon Pang signing a MOU on behalf of the US-Sino Friendship Association, Photo credit:

Simon Pang is from Singapore and has 38 years+ of banking experience — and it is assumably good business to be immensely politically connected in banking. He previously worked as the SVP of United Commercial Bank, which failed after fraud convictions of senior leaders, the hardship of the 2008 Recession, and a failed takeover bid by Minsheng Bank, China’s first private-owned bank.

Perhaps this was indeed a private, unsupervised but coordinated attempt to curry favor and support China and American authorities in order to build his banking practice and protect himself from the experience of United Commercial Bank. No matter the intent, however, significant funds were being spent towards contributions with someone who coordinated closely with an “organization tasked with co-opting sub-national governments” as alleged by the US government – and some of those funds went to Rep. Sherman.

Simon Pang at a Chinese political gathering, Image credit: Baidu –

It appears that Rep. Brad Sherman was somebody that was in the sights of this network of influence as it looked to expand beyond local and state politics to federal and presidential. In 2018, his third largest donor was Allied Wallet, who were indicted but not ultimately found guilty of using straw donors. His second largest donor in the 2018 electoral cycle was Royal Business Bank.

Simon Pang donating PPE in the United States with the CPAFFC and Consulate General of China. Photo credit: JoinLASD, X –,

Author screenshot

Commenting on his guided tour to Chongqing, Simon Pang said that politicians were able to see “a different version of China”. One might ask if Rep. Sherman was presented that version – along with the many other local, state, and federal politicians from mayors to Presidents Simon Pang has donated to – such as $10,000 to President Trump’s victory fund, and significant personal contributions to Speaker Nancy Pelosi (at least $39,400) and Secretary Hillary Clinton in her presidential campaign (at least $14,700). While he has donated to Republicans, the majority of his donations favor Democratic legislators or state parties. It might be asked for President Biden’s cabinet as well – with Simon posing with US Trade Representative Katherine Tai, “the principal trade advisor, negotiator, and spokesperson on U.S. trade policy.”

Simon Pang in a meeting with USTR Katherine Tai, the member of President Biden’s cabinet responsible for US trade policy. Photo credit:

In 2021, Simon Pang was appointed to the President’s Advisory Commission on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders by President Biden. As of today, Simon Pang had personally donated at least $132,500 to fundraising efforts for President Biden, and at least $2,800 in federal contributions and just under $335,000 in California state contributions, spread to many of her political allies, for his “friend for so many years”, Vice President Harris.

Simon Pang meeting with President Obama, Photo credit:

Simon Pang meeting with former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Photo credit: Baidu –

Simon Pang with President Biden. Photo credit: @Jerry_C_Lynn, X

Simon Pang with former Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam after her meeting with President Xi Jinping, Photo credit: @Jerry_C_Lynn, X

Simon Pang sitting next to 77th United States Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Photo credit: @Jerry_C_Lynn, X

This is a guest post by Roger Huang. Opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Magazine.

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